Durante la fiera “I Saloni Worldwide” di Mosca, Minacciolo ha presentato “Tinozza”, un nuovo ed originale prodotto, che ha subito riscontrato nel pubblico grande interesse e curiosità.
“Tinozza” è un oggetto che deriva dalla tradizione, ma ridisegnato con una veste che la rende adatta anche all’ambiente più moderno.
La struttura è in listelli in legno di rovere, con fasce in acciaio nero. Questo oggetto, a libera installazione, è disponibile in tre versioni: la versione semplice, con un comodo piano di lavoro in acciaio nero, la versione con lavello, che può essere accompagnata da un moderno rubinetto nero a canna ed infine la versione cottura, dotata di due bruciatori a gas.
“Tinozza” è un complemento esclusivo progettato all'insegna della modernità, che va ad aggiungersi con molta armonia all'interno della vasta e originale gamma di proposte Minacciolo.
During the fair “I Saloni Worldwide” in Moscow, Minacciolo presented “Tinozza”, a new and original product, which was received by the public with great interest and curiosity. “Tinozza” is an object that derives from the tradition, but it has been redesigned with garments that make it suitable for even the most modern ambiance. The structure is made with strips of oak wood, and bands are in black steel. This object, free-standing, is available in three versions: the simple version, which has a comfortable work surface is available in beech or steel and comes in various finishes. The version with a sink basin, which may be accompanied by a modern black basin, and finally the cooking version which is equipped with two gas burners. Furnishing exclusively designed and characterized by innovativeness which will be harmoniously synchronized with the original and wider ranging proposals from Minacciolo.
“Tinozza” è un complemento esclusivo progettato all'insegna della modernità, che va ad aggiungersi con molta armonia all'interno della vasta e originale gamma di proposte Minacciolo.
During the fair “I Saloni Worldwide” in Moscow, Minacciolo presented “Tinozza”, a new and original product, which was received by the public with great interest and curiosity. “Tinozza” is an object that derives from the tradition, but it has been redesigned with garments that make it suitable for even the most modern ambiance. The structure is made with strips of oak wood, and bands are in black steel. This object, free-standing, is available in three versions: the simple version, which has a comfortable work surface is available in beech or steel and comes in various finishes. The version with a sink basin, which may be accompanied by a modern black basin, and finally the cooking version which is equipped with two gas burners. Furnishing exclusively designed and characterized by innovativeness which will be harmoniously synchronized with the original and wider ranging proposals from Minacciolo.