Anche quest’anno, in collaborazione con il nostro Store D’Oria Arredi, saremo presenti alla Fiera del Levante. Oltre ad un’area interamente dedicata alla collezione English Mood presentata in varie ambientazioni, lo stand sarà arricchito da un’area culturale in cui esporremo le nuove collezioni Minà e Natural Skin, già presentate con grande successo ad Eurocucina 2012.
Non mancate!
Non mancate!
Fiera del Levante, Bari, 8 -16 settembre.
Padiglione nuovo, stand 441-442-460-459 (collezione English Mood), stand 438-439-440-463-462-461 (stand culturale – nuove collezioni Minà e Natural Skin).
Padiglione nuovo, stand 441-442-460-459 (collezione English Mood), stand 438-439-440-463-462-461 (stand culturale – nuove collezioni Minà e Natural Skin).
Also this year, in collaboration with D'Oria Arredi, we will be attending the Fiera del Levante. In addition to an area entirely dedicated to the collection English Mood presented in various settings, the stand will be enriched by a cultural area in which we will exhibit Minà and Natural Skin, our new collections already presented with great success at Eurocucina 2012.
Also this year, in collaboration with D'Oria Arredi, we will be attending the Fiera del Levante. In addition to an area entirely dedicated to the collection English Mood presented in various settings, the stand will be enriched by a cultural area in which we will exhibit Minà and Natural Skin, our new collections already presented with great success at Eurocucina 2012.
Fiera del Levante, Bari, September from the 8th to the 16th.
Padiglione nuovo, stand 438/442 - 459/463
И вновь в этом могу совместно с нашим Store D’Oria Arredi мы будем участвовать на выставке Леванте. Кроме пространства, полностью посвещенного коллекции English Mood в ее различных вариациях, на нашем стенде будет представлены новые коллекции Minà и Natural Skin, которые с большим успехом были выставлены на Еврокухне 2012.
Не пропустите!
Выставка Леване, Бари, с 8 по 16 сентября 2012
Новый павильон, stand 438/442 - 459/463