L’universo Minacciolo si arricchisce con due straordinarie collezioni, Minà e Natural Skin: due declinazioni di un’unica filosofia che unisce esperienza artigianale e passione per la qualità. Attraverso la riscoperta di materie prime purissime come il legno ed il metallo, queste collezioni utilizzano, nel rispetto e nella memoria della tradizione, le migliori tecnologie attuali. Entrambe le linee sono studiate e strutturate in modo da poter essere pensate in totale autonomia, ma al tempo stesso sono così duttili da poter creare, se abbinate, un unico emozionante spazio dall’accentuato gusto materico, un ambiente in cui il calore del legno ed il carattere forte del metallo nero si fondono.
The universe Minacciolo is enriched with two extraordinary collections, Minà and Natural Skin: two forms of a single philosophy that combines experience and passion for quality craftsmanship. Through the rediscovery of pure raw materials such as wood and metal, these collections use, in respect and memory of tradition, the best current technologies. Both lines are designed and structured to be managed in total autonomy, but at the same time are so flexible that you can create, if combined, a single space emphasized by an exciting taste of matter, an environment where the warmth of wood and the strong character of the metal melt.
The universe Minacciolo is enriched with two extraordinary collections, Minà and Natural Skin: two forms of a single philosophy that combines experience and passion for quality craftsmanship. Through the rediscovery of pure raw materials such as wood and metal, these collections use, in respect and memory of tradition, the best current technologies. Both lines are designed and structured to be managed in total autonomy, but at the same time are so flexible that you can create, if combined, a single space emphasized by an exciting taste of matter, an environment where the warmth of wood and the strong character of the metal melt.
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