Vi presentiamo i "monoliti" Natural Skin. Volumi di legno che assecondano una travolgente libertà compositiva, scandendo spazi e funzioni, i monoliti Natural Skin rivoluzionano il concept di struttura distributiva, separando gli ambienti attraverso pareti attrezzate ed elementi liberi ed accessibili a 360 gradi. Veri e propri contenitori, capaci di ospitare le infinite necessità della casa, celate da un involucro apparentemente ermetico. Cestelli estraibili e girevoli, cassetti, elettrodomestici, dispense, cantinette o addirittura ripostigli... tutto all’interno di un unico blocco compatto.
We present Natural Skin "monoliths". Wooden volumes go alone with overwhelming freedom of the entire composition, reading the spaces and functions, Natural Skin transforms the concept of distributive structure, separating the environments trough the equipped walls and free elements accessible in 360 degrees. Proper containers able to receive the endless needs of any home, hidden by a unit apparently hermetic. Pull out and half-moon baskets, drawers, appliances, cupboards, cellars or even the storage cabinets… all this inside a single compact block.
We present Natural Skin "monoliths". Wooden volumes go alone with overwhelming freedom of the entire composition, reading the spaces and functions, Natural Skin transforms the concept of distributive structure, separating the environments trough the equipped walls and free elements accessible in 360 degrees. Proper containers able to receive the endless needs of any home, hidden by a unit apparently hermetic. Pull out and half-moon baskets, drawers, appliances, cupboards, cellars or even the storage cabinets… all this inside a single compact block.
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